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3rd Edition Reveal Party

Saw it written and I saw it say

Pink moon is on its way

And none of you stand so tall

Pink moon gonna get ye all

Pink Moon by Nick Drake

In the days before calendars and clocks, people used to have to rely on other means to mark the seasons and the passage of time. One of the most reliable phenomenon to set these designations to was the changing phases of the moon- with considerable reverence given to reliably inspiring appearance of the full moon. The full moons were given names that often reflected seasonal, or weather related events, with labels like the ‘Buck Moon’ corresponding to the month of July, which was determined to be a time when antlers began to a male deer’s head, or, the February’s ‘Snow Moon’, which aligns with the notion that this traditionally a month known for that particular weather condition. Many of these lunar appellations have alternative, or multiple names but the ones with the simplest reasoning behind them seem to endure the most.

April’s ‘Pink Moon’ was so-named to reflect the bloom of the ‘pink ground-phlox’, an early spring flower that heralded the welcome arrival of the warmer season. This moon is also known as the ‘Sprouting Grass Moon,’ the ‘Fish Moon,’, the ‘Hare Moon,’, and even the ‘Egg Moon’ for various implied reasons, but to the Digital Wolf Pack, it means that it is time to howl the arrival of the latest issue of Digital Wolf Magazine!

Join us on Tuesday, April 7th, for the 3rd Edition Reveal Party at the Total Body Works Day Spa at 723 Main Street in Downtown Rochester! We’ll be here from 5 – 7 p.m. for the first look at the Storefront Stories issue of the magazine. Come by for refreshments, and meet the people behind the magazine and the exciting Digital Wolf Network. Copies of the new issue and previous editions will be on sale… …hope to see you there!

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