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Writer's pictureDigital Wolf Magazine

Ed Jenkins

Ed Jenkins I 30

Traveling Photographer

Hometown: Rochester, IN

Current Location: Wherever life takes him

Ed has traveled the world as a photographer and bartender that kept his travels going. He is always on the move and seeking new adventures in his life.

For Ed, high school yearbook with Mr. McCarthy was a huge influence for his photography. Being able to get into all the high school sporting events for free gave him the opportunity to practice capturing the perfect shot. He soon realized how to transform his photos into photos that he actually liked and was proud of. He then went on to shooting videos for the sports teams. During football season he shot videos at every game and put together a highlight real of the season that he sold at Rochester High School. His journey behind the camera had just begun but was far from over.

Ed Jenkins
An abandoned US Navy DC-3 from 1973 on S61heimasandur Beach in Iceland. Captured early morning while waiting for others to take photos.

Ed started as a bartender on the Columbia & Snake Rivers, rivers that runs the border of Washington and Oregon. It gave him a feeling of travel and tourism which he enjoyed. Two years later he was promoted to bar manager on the Mississippi River's Flag Ship. As a beverage director he had three boats in fleet. Ed oversaw the bar programs, created wine lists and cocktail menus. He also handled the purchasing and developed the training manual for the bars keeping him more than busy.

The American Duchess was launched at the end of 2017, and Ed was asked to train for the launch. American Queen is a flagship River Boat. In his spare time onboard, he began taking & printing photos of the boats that would be printed and sold in the gift shop. Outside of his love for photography he also

had a spark of interest with piloting drones, losing one while getting photos of a low bridge while on a riverboat.

"While trying to photograph a low bridge crossing, my drone lost signal returned to its launch point, 100 yards back in the river."

Ed captured a view of the Grand Teatro across from the capitol building in Havana, Cuba taken February 2017 at 2 AM.

Seek & Saunter is an online travel magazine, transitioning through its design and developing phase in hopes of being something that can help support independent travelers as well as bring focus on people and organizations around the world. Saunter means to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, without hurry or effort. This is something he practices on all of his travels. Ed would like to lead travel trips for photographers and offer on location workshops for those aspiring world travellers and photographers.

A shark dive is offered as part of the divemaster program as a way to show the true nature of sharks. On this morning dive, the divers swam with around fifteen female reef sharks.

Ed took a scuba diving course starting in August 2018 to get diving instructor certification in Roatan, Honduras, and now has his certification for Digital Underwater Photography Instructor through PADI. After his certification he went aboard the Kona Aggressor, a small catamaran, giving dive excursions where he did five dives a day, seven days a week for tourists on a cruise. Ed would lead dives as a divemaster for guests, giving lessons and was also able to provide one on one scuba certifications.

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